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300 dob or 250 goto

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Hey Fuzzy

I would think about the future, if you're planning on imaging through a Mak you almost definately will want to at some point want to image a DSO.. Especially when you see one through a dob, you are 100% going to want to image it.

In that respect i'd advise you to think about the future and get a setup that allows you to easily get in to DSO imaging without having to overhaul your gear.

I have a Mak (it was my first scope) and its great for planets, the Moon and solar. I'd never point it at a DSO and expect much though.

Dobs are also alt/amz, so you can't image for long on them, they're not designed for it. i.e. they track like this /\/\/\ rather than a smooth ( arc like a EQ mount.

If i were you, and i'm not so you're welcome to ignore my advise :) i'd go for a Quattro, the cost won't break you and its a very fast scope for the money. I wouldn't get a Mak on top unless you have a problem with portability, the only occasion i use mine is if i can't be bothered to get my Newt out. A 10" will always beat your Mak in almost every way other than weight and the fact you won't need to calibrate (collimate).

Anyway, good luck with your choice. The only advise i'd give you is to think about what you'll be doing with it in a year or so time. If you think you're going to get in to imaging DSOs you need to plan for that now and save/kit up, rather than getting a slow scope like a Mac and an alt/az mount which become pretty redundant if you want to get in to DSO.

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Lmao, thanks Russell.

BUT when I explain after the fact that 2 scopes cost less than " the one I was going to get" Im sure it'll be fine.

Plus after being together for 23 years , not married, with no kids she knows exactly what I'm like :)


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Thanks again Jez,

I kinda getting the feeling there's a hidden subtext behind your posts lol, something about....umm.....the number 4.....yes.....I'm getting a strong feeling for the number 4...

With regards to imaging DSOs, I'd love to say that one day I'm really going to get into it and produce the results that I've seen others get but I have to be realistic as I have a rather heavy disability. I'm colour blind. Whenever it comes to anything photographic which involves dealing with subtle colour vision Im totally screwed.

I could have the sharpest subs in the world and spend weeks tweeking an image to produce in my eyes the best result but everyone else will tilt their heads to the side in that "Theres something really not right about that......" kinda way.

So i'd say imaging DSOs is not going to be something I'm going to concentrate on which is why I started down the Dob route.


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What's your secret? all that time and no kids, you're a god to me!

I've been having the same dilemma regarding my next purchase, i have a 200p eq which i find a pain to motivate myself to setup. so im going for as big dob as i can which for me means aperture over technology, id rather spend longer finding something and see more when i do than finding something instantly and not see as much.

From what i read about imaging, unless i want to spend big then i may as well shelve it for now and stick to visual and you can't do better than a huge dob.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Im looking at a gs-980 now from a place in Germany. its a solid tube 300 no goto. about 650 delivered to UK. the same place still lists the skywatcher but doubt they can actually get one in. i posted a thread about solid tube 300s because i fancy a 300 but don't want to pay sw flextube prices! its in the setups section.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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