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T-ring for f/5 200p


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I bought a T-ring recently to mount a Nikon to my 200p. Mountiung an SLR is actually very simple with a Sky Watcher setup. If you have a supplied SW 1.25" 2x Barlow then you can just screw this on to the T-ring. If you look closely at your Barlow you'll notice that the part where you put the eyepice in, and has the locking screw to hold the eyepice in place, has an external thread. This thread is intended for the T-ring. Once you've attached the Barlow to the front of the T-ring then it will fit straight into the 1.25" adaptor, in place of an eyepiece, and you'll be able to bring the camera to focus. Alternatively, you can put the camera at prime focus (to give you a wider field of view) by simply uncoupling the 1.25" adaptor from the focuser using the two large locking screws on the focuser tube (these look similar to the pair that hold your eye pieces in place but are larger). With these loosened the 1.25" adaptor just uncouples from the focuser - it should lift straight off. You'll notice that the part you've just removed has a tube and a larger flange. The tube just unscrews from the flange. With the tube removed you'll notice that at the point where the tube screwed into the flange there is another external thread. You can screw the T-ring on to this externally threaded part - it's best to have the camera attached for this. The flange just goes back onto the focuser and you then just tighten up the locking screws to hold the camera firmly in position. You can also rotate the camera into the orientation you need to frame the object your photographing. I haven't tried my camera in this mode yet but it is designed to bring an SLR to the prime focus of the telescope. I hope this helps.

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P.S. If you've been wondering what that adaptor piece was that was supplied with the scope, it has two locking screws and seems pretty redundant, this is the 2" EP adaptor. If you loosen the two larger locking screws, I described earlier, and lift off the 1.25" adaptor, the 2" EP adaptor just fits into this space - the flange I described has the same external dimensions as the 2" adpator. I haven't seen any 2" EPs yet but, judging by the size of the hole they need to fit in, they must be monsters.

P.P.S. If Sky Watcher just supplied a decent user manual then it would all be very obvious.

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WaveSoarer thankyou so much!

If I could like your reply a thousand times I would, very helpful and informative.

I was very confused as to where a t ring would screw into so thankyou!

Yes the instructions are terrible, but luckily there is stargazers lounge to fill in the gaps ;)


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There is a video on youtube that explains everything. It's suprisingly easy with the SW telescopes. I've only tried it with the 2x barlow so far and I'll have a bash using it at prime focus when I next get the chance and the sky is a bit darker cose to new moon.


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