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Dobonian XT8


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Hello All,

I have just recently purchased an Orion Skyquest XT8 and so far I am loving every second of it. I have taken it out quite a few times and am very impressed with the results I am getting. The moon was the first object I viewed and was immediately amazed. I have also viewed Jupiter and it's moons, the Orion Nebula, Betelgeuse, and the Pleiades just to name a few.

I am currently just working with the 25 mm and the 2x Barlow lens that came with the scope. Next on my list is to purchase a 10 mm lens as well as a few filters. Orion offers a couple packages that come with a plethora of both lenses and filters that I have had my eye on. I have read "Discover the Stars" by Richard Berry, and am all over the Science channel and space documentaries on Netflix. (my favorite are the Wonders of... series' that Brian Cox puts out)

So far, I know I am still a beginner at this and I prove that each time I go out, but I am trying to take all of the needed steps to become a skilled observer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Some things that I have not yet been able to find and am dying to are:




-M1 (Crab Nebula)

-Any Nebula of any kind (Orion is the only one I have found so far)

Thank you for helping!

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thats a giood scope thats sits between portability and aperture sweet spots. some good objects on your list. as for eyepieces,it might be worth getting something around 12 mm which is around x100, then when with a barlow lens it would be the equivelent to 6mm which is good for planets and the moon on good nights,where as a 10mm barlowed i think wouldnt be used as much.

i have a 7mm and 5mm eyepiece and the 7 gets used way more. only my opinion mind,others may not agree.

good luck with your list.

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