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skywtacher 8" dob upgrade

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Hi, and thanks in advance for any replies, thoughts and comments.

I have a 8" dob and want to upgrade.

I eventually want to photograph deepsky objects so I would love to know what is the least amount of equipment I need inorder to do so. I know the better equipment, the better the image - but I just would like decent images.

I will not be able to buy everything at once.

I have been looking at eq5 pro synscan and a few others but this one seems to be the best value for money.

So is it worth buying an eq5, then upgrade at a later stage to a goto?

Also any used sites would be great - I know of Astronomy Buy and Sell.

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I may get some disagreement from other forum members, but here's what I plan to do also being an 8" Newt-on-Dob-mount owner:

1. Buy an EQ6 mount

2. Buy tube rings

3. Mount my 8" Newt on the EQ6.

At 1200mm I'm sure it's going to need an auto guider for tracking accuracy, but if I keep the OTA I have now, I only need to buy a very sturdy mount. Plus the 8" is a light bucket with great aperture which means shorter subs.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the subject. Your mileage may vary.

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I had a 8" reflector on an HEQ5 and that combined with camera and guide scope was a bit much for that mount. I also recommend you go with the EQ6 pro, it's quite a bit more money but worth it for the stability and the better images you'll get from the increased guiding capability and the better resistance to wind and other vibrations.

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Thanks for getting back to me so soo.

The EQ6 is so far outside my price range I don't even bother to look at buying it in pieces!

However the HEQ5 I could stretch to. Do you think this mount and tripod would be able to handle the 200p? They seem to be going for about £500 second hand (EQ6 about £800, don't seem to be as many for sale used)

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Yes the HEQ5 would handle it but it is a heavy setup for the mount so you'll get a bit of extra vibration and be more susceptible to light winds. If you have to go with the HEQ5 then have a think about other ways to reduce the weight such as using a guider that takes a feed off the main light path (OAG). This would then mean you could get away without a guide scope which will take a little of the weight.:)

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