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Mesu 200 and AlignMaster


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I started using my Mesu 200 but I don't have a perfect polar alignment and i am no good at drifting so I thought I would buy Alignmaster which seem to be very good.

Unfortunately on the AlignMaster the instructions states that this software is for mount using the ASCOM software and the Mesu mount is using ST4 for guiding and ASCOM for connection to a planetarium.

Does anybody knows if I can use AlignMaster for polar aligning my mount.

Many thanks for your help.


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Ascom is the interface between software (AlignMaster, Planetariumsoftware, Maxim DL, etc.) and your mount. So if you are able to control the Mesu with planetarium software, you should also be able to control it with AlignMaster, you just have to select the correct ascom driver in AlignMaster.

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