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Photoshop Elements better than GIMP?

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I've been using a combination of GIMP and Paint.net to process the results of my image stacks so far.. but have been thinking about forking out for Photoshop Elements 11 after watching some tutorials demonstrating processing in Photoshop. How much better is full-fat Photoshop than Elements? (I know - lots)

I suppose then question really is: is Elements £80 better than GIMP or should I wait to see if I can justify CS6? - No, wait - I'll never be able to justify £600 for software..

GIMP or Elements, then..


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I've not used Photoshop Elephants, but my experience of PS CS3 is that my main use is just the basic function: layers, curves, blur and some astronomical actions - macros by any other name.

I believe these are available on PE 11 (tho' actions may be a little different), so if you don't qualify for one of Adobe's education discounts for PS, then I think PE is a good bet. As for GIMP, yeah, well ...

I have used GIMP for some basic functions, but I just found it unpleasant to use. Apart from actions, he functionality is there, but the design, layout and ease of use it has just doesn't work for me. I suppose that's why it's free :grin: .

if you're looking for commercial packages, have you considered AstroArt?

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Having used GIMP for many years now I find it excellent compared to the older version of Photoshop that I used to use. OK, I only use 8-bit as all the stuff I do is for viewing on the Internet, but I think the thing about GUIs is how long someone has used them for. Once you get used to it you don't want to switch ( just like bank accounts, power companies, internet service providers, etc., etc............ :grin: )

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if you're looking for commercial packages, have you considered AstroArt?

I have looked at dedicated astrophotography processing software, including PixInsight and MaxImDL - I confess AstroArt got past me somehow - but have been concerned over three things; first - PSE could be used for my other photography, whilst these packages are more bespoke. Secondly, I can imagine finding PSE (and PS) quite easy to learn, being a more familier type of app.. Some of the astro software UI do tend toward being opaque to the uninitated... and finally their cost - with the acknowledgment that they are far more powerful tools than PSE (for this particular job) they are, some of them, two or three times the price.. If I were to persuade one of the lads that he needed CS6 for his A-levels then that would only be one pub dinner for four more expensive..

Oh - and most of the workflows I've seen the mention one or other of the above all return to PS at some point or other.. It seems the one tool everyone has.

All this said I see Astroart has a restricted trial version available.. As do some of the others.. I'll give some of them a whirl..

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