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Strange light in Ursa Major tonight


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Hello All

Had an unexpected session tonight. Forecast was cloudy but its lovely and clear tonight. Seeing was ok. Anyway, was hunting a couple of galaxies in Draco when I looked away from the EP and was disorientated momentarily. A 'star' about mag 2 was directly dead centre and below the 'pot' in Ursa Major. Then I noticed it was moving quite slowly upwards through the bottom of the 'pot' and faded away when it was just in the pot.

Did anyone see it and can anyone explain what it was. If it was a satellite, it was the slowest moving one I've even seen, slower than the ISS, although that usually looks slower at the horizon than above us. Checed and the ISS wasn't visible tonight. And the ISS usually travels west to east, doesn't it?


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