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Messing around


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Needed a little peace and quiet, so I grabbed a camera and escaped from the house to mess around taking a few pictures of the moon.

Sony alpha A200, sigma 75-210mm lens, f/5.6, 1/1000th exposure. First picture as shot, second processed and tweaked in photoshop elements.



Not bad for a few minutes work, I think I managed to pick out quite a bot of detail in post-processing, just need to get my camera hooked up to my scope and see what I can do with that! Any tips or tricks for better lunar photography would be greatly appreciated. Note: I didn't use my best camera/lens and no tripod, I'm sure that may have improved things a bit.

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I had a quick go at tweaking the exposure a bit, then reset it and actually forgot to redo it again! I didn't get much time to experiment with different exposures etc. as the clouds were rolling in and the rain was starting, just part of the joys of living in northern britain!!

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