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convert avchd to avi free


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8472 - I have downloaded it and been playing around with it for 45mins + reading various websites ...

Not sure how much you know about Avidemux, but this is what I have done:

Loaded the AVCHD file ok... its only 19 seconds and 21meg in size, so nothing crazy.

It detects 'video decoder' as Lavcodec and I cant seem to change that

Video output I have tried mpeg2, copy and a mpeg 4

Audio output I have set to copy

Output format I have tried AVI Muxer and Mpeg TS Muxer

Then saved the file as test.mpg or test.avi ... conversion takes place but when trying to open it in REGISTAX - it says incompatible file.

Ideas ?? this is driving me nuts

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Hmm, thats odd - i wouldn't have thought a AVCHD file could be encoded with Lavcodec? Shouldn't it be detected as H.264? It least it is on my PC. Something not right there...


I've zero knowledge of Registax, tbh. What exactly are the source video specifications?

If you can't get on with Avidemux, you may find

FFCoder a little more user friendly.
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Registax from what I beleive has to be .avi or .mpg

I'll try again tonight with Avidemux and i'll post some screenshots so you can see my options + it may allow you to direct me more.

I'll try FFCoder too.


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