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Possibly stupid question!


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Myself and several others are planning to travel to Scotland in November for hopefully clear, light pollution free and Moonless skies. I currently live in good old "middle England" and sit around the 53 degree mark in latitude. I drift align fairly often and originally used:


- as a reference, however I find I get more accurate results without using a diagonal, so the first drift (star in the south) I reversed the directions, which works. However I've not altered my wedge in a year and with regards to the second alignment, I'm not sure if the directions also need reversing.

The guide tells me (with diagonal in place that if the star moves "up" in the eyepiece, I should adjust the wedge so that the star moves down in the eyepiece.

So am I to presume that if I don't have the diagonal in, much like the Az adjustments, this needs reversing so that if the star moves "up" in the eyepiece, I adjust the wedge so that the star moves up in the eyepiece to?

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