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Veil Nebula

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I processed this at Kelling in bright sunlight in a box! So I think I overdid the colours. I know there's bad coma. I'm hoping to get a corrector any time now.

I managed to get 15 OK shots (some trailing) all at 8 mins and ISO 800. Loads of Bias/Offset and 15 darks before the camera battery ran out.

What d'ya all think? I'll have another go at processing after I have your replies!



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Colour balance is out. You have red and green but no blue. If you go into Levels in Ps (or whatever) and look at the histograms for each colour you should have the top left of the peak more or less lined up in each. I doubt that this will be the case. You can only pull the errant ones back by clipping the left hand side of the histogram in each channel. There is no way to move the peak to the right.

Try Rob's tutorial on his Middlehill Observatory website. His explanation is characteristically crisp. http://www.middlehillobservatory.co.uk/articles-primers/Levels%20and%20curves.htm


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