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First time at Kelling


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Not much sleep as I was at Kelling yesterday until around 4 am this morning! What an amazing experience

I met up with some of the members of Norwich Astronomical Society & got set up fairly early. Then it was a longish wait until dark. Hoping the weather would be good. Fortunately it was virtually all night.

Many objects observed. The highlights for me in my own scope (200P) were M33, M51 & M101 not seen before. The veil nebular only visible with UHC filter. The owl nebula, very faint. Then early this morning M37 & the Orion nebula.

Then the spectacular views from my colleges 14, 18 & 20" dobs included: Veil (20"), M1 (14"), M33 (18") where I was able to see star forming areas in the arms, NGC 891 (14"), M81 & M82 (20") incredible detail with each galaxy filling the FOV.

Very satisfied with my own equipment at a good dark site. The Milkyway was spectacular. Also spoilt with the view from the big dobs. Have to start saving hard now.


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Thanks for the news from Kelling. I`ve been waiting to hear how everyone got on, considering the weather hasn`t been too bad. It is fantastic to get to a dark site and do astronomy how it should be! I fear you might have a touch of aperture fever!

Yes I think that may be the case but I was very pleased with the views from my own scope & fortunately the club members are very generous with letting me view from their scopes on club nights. For now that is a good compromise. It still makes me think what I could aspire to someday maybe.

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