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Orion Starshoot IV problems


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Hi. I'm using an imaging setup consisting of a Skywatcher 150PL with an Orion Starshoot IV plugged in. Now, I can image the Moon, the Sun and Venus without any problems, But Jupiter? Not a chance. I have tried on a number of occasions, but the main problem seems to be getting Jupiter on the laptop screen at all!

I have tried the obvious stuff - checking alignment using a low-power lens to centre jupiter in the scope's filed of view, then aligning the finderscope based on that, then swopping the webcam for the lens. Even after that, Jupiter is not even registering on the screen. I've also tried gently moving the scope around, hoping to glimpse even an out-of-focus Jupiter as I do so, but no.

I can't help feeling there's something blindingly obvious I'm missing, but what?

All suggestions gratefully accepted......

Alan S

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Sounds like a plan. The only thing is, I've examined the Orion's control panels, and I can see no specific control for "gain". I'm using The bog-standard capture software (AmCap) that comes with it, which offers controls for Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Hue, Saturation and Sharpness. There is also a checkable box labelled "Low light". My guess would be that using the Brightness control and/or the Low light box might be equivalent to the Gain function. I'm wondering, though, if there might be a better alternative to AmCap?

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