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Need Information

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I am a novelist and I need some information, but I haven't been able to find it in the sources that I've been able to come up with. I'm hoping that someone here will be able to help me.

It is my understanding that the Perseid meteor shower, is caused by debris falling from the tail of the Swift-Tuttle comet. What I would like to know is this, is it possible that any of the meteors coming in would be large enough to impact the Earth? If so, how large would one have to be to strike a house and severe a gas line so that the house burned down? Also, would a meteor large enough to impact the ground make a noise when it was coming in? Any help would be much appreciated.

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1.) Anything is possible, they come in all sizes, and bombard the earth often.

2.) Might want to check with your local Gas Company experts on this one, to see if there has been a prior occurance.

3.) Never heard a meteor wizz past, however, if traveling over 1100 fps, it should create a sonic boom.

4.) Check with the "Cloudy Nights Telescope Reviews " site. There is a forum on meteorites.

Does the meteorite have a peanut in it ? If so, you might want to watch a movie called "Joe Dirt", it discusses meteorites at length.


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HI Chuck and welcome to the lounge, Posting your question in the Astro Lounge may get a better response but my understanding is that the Perseids are only the size of grains of sand and so burn up on entering the earths atmosphere, it is perhaps possible for bigger Perseid to exist but as far as know this has never been observed but anything is possible with a bit of artistic licence.

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