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RA mechanism that doesn't Frustrate

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I guess one for the/any enthusiasts for setting circles? :wink:

But in contemplating a BIGGER mount (than a modest EQ3-2!), I ask:

Isn't there something vaguely "dodgy" about the Synta method of relying on "friction" to keep the RA circle in step with the axis movement? With my EQ3-2, even when not seen, I sensed the RA circle would slip! I just (soooo?) gave up, I converted that to a (albeit useful!) Alt-Az. I'd quite fancy something like an "EQ5-ish" thing, but fear the same methodology is used there too... :(

Is my basic understanding of the EQ system wrong? (Mea Culpa, if so!) Did my EQ3-2 just "need adjusting", or is there some modification? Better still a more positive(?) METHOD of synchronising this movement, in other makes (doubtless more expensive!) of mount? Yeah-I-know, "Give up on setting circles", but humour me... ;)

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I don't know about the EQ3 but we don't have that problem with the EQ6 Pro. On the EQ6 the RA & Declination setting circles have two knurled locking screws 180 degrees apart. Although this is a goto set up and we normally only use the RA setting circle for initial Polar Alignment we did try the manual method with a star chart and RA/Declination settings. During the movement from one star to another and checking/resetting the RA and declination setting circles we at no time experienced any slipping as long as we locked the circles with the locking screws. Hope this helps!

Mark & David

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Yeah, it does help - I may not be entirely "wrong", and it is possible? I had, e.g., drilled/tapped holes(!) into the EQ3-2 RA circle, and tried some LONG hex-key machine bolts - but the distance to the "axis" is too long and it got messy. With a pukka machine shop, a custom "collar" might've done the trick of "bridging the gap"? But I sense the manufactures might only cater to smaller mount customers who ANYWAY won't use their setting circles. :wink:

I'm about to move house, so have to find out about the possibilities of a semi-permanent setup. An EQ6 might be possible - Sadly now have to watch my LIFTING non-capabilities (Or maybe a strong, but docile friend!). Or simply just stop the "good for the soul" self-torture and use a GOTO. Probably more matched to my likely usage and capabilities! ;)

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Shri Swami Samartha

Hallo Chris,

To my CG4 (similar to eq3) what I did-

Do you have a polar finder adapter screwed to the end of the setting circle? Mine has it screwed over there(or may be everyone's has), it prevents the setting circle from slipping out.

I unscrewed the adapter and pulled out the setting circle. There were a paper or plastic fiber pieces on the surface bottom where the setting circle slides on. I cleaned it all, and then applied a high grade grease. I polished the edges of setting circle(that fits inside the cavity), round smooth with a fine sand paper. Then greased it too. It moves smoothly.

Were you asking about the same? .

Good wishes, see you, Ketan.

Shri Swami Samartha

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Were you asking about the same? .

Good wishes, see you, Ketan.

Shri Swami Samartha

Thanks Ketan,

Yes, I think we are very much thinking of the same issues. It seems to be a process of careful optimisation of (what I sense is) not such a clever idea. But my EQ3-2 will be fine for a "grab and go" solution with an ST102/F5 - used as an (intuitive!) Alt-Az. :(

When I get to my new location, I suspect I might go for something like an HEQ5 "Pro Skyscan Mount" GOTO??? Assuming I can lift it (on a regular basis, and without dropping dead. LOL), it will probably outlive me and my requirements. Primarily for my MAK... 127 (or later a slightly bigger MAK?) and my ST102... (or maybe a bit smaller?) ;)

Somehow, I hope to save enough "pennies" for a semi-permanent observing site. New place has a "shed", but I sense that isn't too glamorous (lawnmowers aside!) and will need to change! Into my "creature comforts", these days... :wink:

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Hallo Chris,

The polishing, cleaning and greasing the setting circle should be done anyway, whether you use it to find sky objects or make mount into grab and go. Because for me what the problem was, my mount seemed tight in the RA axis and even seemed to have obstruction at a point while rotating, until I found out that the setting circle was creating friction. So when I pulled it out and did those things to it, mount became free. And this problem occurs to many people's mount, as the factory setting and greasing is not proper.

Its not a big engineer's job. It is just a little outside job, if you understood exactly what I did.

good wishes, sincerely Ketan.

Shri Swami Samartha

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