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HEQ5 Synscan mount and Philips SPC900NC

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I've been using a Skywatcher 80ED pro and an EQ5 mount for observing for a while but have now saved up the pennies and gone for a HEQ5 Synscan Pro set-up. I've also got myself a Philips SPC900NC webcam as, now i've got the motorised mount, I hope to start taking some pics of what i'm seeing.

I've not had a chance to get the mount or webcam out yet so thought I'd take the chance to ask for some advice on both so I can start on a good footing. I'm new to motorised eq mounts (and webcams) so any (basic!) do's/don'ts/advice etc would be much appreciated. Many thanks.

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I think thats going to be a very good setup for imaging. Couple of things, Polal Alignment...Get it as accurate as you can. Also the webcam has a very small chip this gives around the same FOV as a 5mm EP. So....you need to make sure the object you are wanting to image is bang in the middle of a similer EP.

Not much more I can add as I am just starting to attempt to image as well. You have a got setup and with a bit of patience you should be able tp produce some good images.

Oh, just thought, is the webcam modified? If it is then you can take long exposure images, if not then you are limited to the moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

If it is not modded I would try and get some good images of the moon and Mars, once you have got used to the setup etc then get it modded (or do it yourself it's not too hard) and start taking something like Star Clusters at first.

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