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Processing In MaximDL

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Hopefully a quick question. Very much a nube with limited success today.

I took 8 x 5 minute pictures last night of the lagoon nebula (before the moon came up).

In MaximDL, I calibrated, aligned and stacked these images. Played with the stretch a bit.

Now the image on the screen looks quite nice (I believe FITS) but when I go to save as a TIFF it gets washed out, not as vibrant.

Also, I know this isn't the greatest but tried to save as a JPEG but the JPEG image is completely white.

Any ideas on this? Do I need to do more processing in a photo type software to make it come alive?

The files are over 7MB I will resize and post the fits and tiff. Apparently I can't upload the FITS file.

Thanks for any advice!


Lagoon resized.tif

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The key to saving the image as you see it on screen in MaxIm DL is to select the Stretch button at the save dialogue box, then select the following radio buttons - Linear Only - Screen Stretch - 16bit before you save your file as a 16 bit TIF.

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