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What a great sky in the early hours


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Obviously cant comment on your local sky, but I had the lucky chance to be woken up at 4.30am this morning by a couple of motorbikes riding up and down the road, as I di, I thought id pop down to the garage for a bit and the sky was superb at that time. Orion was imaculate to say the leaset. If you are nuts enough to fancy getting up at 4.30am and the sky is clear youll be in for a treat.

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Mornings have been great the last week or so. I've been carpooling with Rosie, so I get up at 4:00am. (Don't wake up until 9ish, but that's another story.) Saturn has been great in the east, with Mars right next to Aldeberan and nearly overhead. Haven't put the scope on either one yet, but maybe this week.

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Carpooling = sharing car transport for commuting?

Anyways, I had the joy of getting up at 3.40 last Saturday as the rest of family were going to the highlands for a week's holiday, it did feel a bit wierd seeing Orion riding high in the sky at the end of August!!


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Yup, Tony's right. We share a ride to work in the morning. I drive her to work, then go to my job. I pick her up in the afternoon and we either go home, or I return to work to finish my 8 hours or more. Saves gas, etc. Kind of a hassle, but at least we can talk on the way. :wink:

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