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Uranus and some moons - maybe


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At the end of my imaging session last night, I decided I would try and do a long exposure image of Uranus to see if I could pick up any of the moons.

Used the Synscan system to find it and took a series of 30 second images. Processed them in Registax and PS and Paint Shop Pro.

Got this image after tidying it up and removing anything that looked like noise and artefacts.

The problem is trying to identify the moons if that is what they are. The surrounding star field is not the brightest and Starry Night is not definitive enough. Are there any other sources I can use to check?


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Hi Geoff

Is north at the top of the picture or is this a 'Newtonian View'? If north is up then I think the moon futherest north is Oberon and the one far south is Titania (otherway round if south is at the top). As for the other two, the one closest in may be Miranda but thats just a guess.

Good capture regardless of which is what. :D


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I think that only the ones very close in are likely to be moons. Possibly the objects at the far top and bottom are stars (but then I could be wrong!)

Been out all day, so I am going to look back at the laptop to pin down the time I took the original AVI.

Looks clear here, so I may get another chance later providing the Moon is not too near.

What have I said?

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Checked Starry Night and this is the position of moons at 00.50 25th Aug' 2007 with South at the top. Not an exact match but I think the outer points could be moons rather than stars.Try playing with the orientation as I don't know which way is up in the original.


(click to enlarge)

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That's a fairly close approximation to the time- it was actually about 1.30 and the orientation is as you have it.

It could mean that the three inner objects are Umbriel, Ariel and Miranda but I'm not sure how accurate SN is in this instance. I know that the magnitudes quoted by the program are 16.5 which is much lower than I have seen elsewhere.

I will have to see if I can get another opportunity. I intend to photograph the planet firstly with the Toucam (which won't show the moons) and then switch to the ATIK to take a long exposure.

Quite pleased I've managed to do this, however. I just need to confirm it on another occasion.


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