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Observing in northern Cyprus

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Came home from a night out whilst visiting the in laws in northern Cyprus to be greeted by a crystal clear sky revealing a lovely view of the milky way which got better and better as my eyes adjusted

With the eastern sky being washed out with light pollution I concentrated on the southern sky, something I can't do at home because of high trees and was quite surprised how easy it was to find m8and m20in my 15x70 s. They were very impressive, not quite Orion nebula impressive but not far off. Scanning the skies I next found m28 which was little more that a blob, next came m24 and m17 and then I noticed a spectacular cluster just appearing from behind the mountains, hmm what's that? M7 with m6 close by. Then to finish off m16 and 17 but I was beginning to feel the effects of my night out so decided to stop there. Easily the best observing night Ive ever had and a real buzz.

I think I'll revisit most if them tonight but put my bins on a tripod and spend a bit more time on each target

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I set my gear up on the roof last night as it was beautiful and clear and surprisingly cool (for June). I went down to watch the second half of the football, came back out and hey presto CLOUD!!! Glad you managed to have a decent session.


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