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My star location

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New to the forum. Complete novice with Astronomy.

Firstly my apologies with my first post being a begging request!

I've named a Star as a token anniversary present. Yes, iI know it's not real, but i'm sure she will appreciate the romantic sentiment. A decent looking box set for £10.

I've been scouring the interenet trying to find it's location. The best i've done so far is to find a picture of it on Aladin.

here are the details.

RA: 8hr 25m 46.4s

DEC: +2 35' 23.3"

I'd like to know if this is visible from the UK. Well any information would be appreciated. I know it's not visible by the naked eye as the MAG is 15.8 and I don't even own a telescope!

Astronomy is a hobby I've long intend to take up, hopefully this will give me the kickstart I need! If it's not visible from the UK then hopefully it will be from a good holiday desination!

Thanks in advance.

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The bad news is that at magnitude 15.8, you will need a quite large telescope (at least a 14" I think) to be able to see it.

The good news is that it is in the far Northwest of the constellation of Hydra (the Water Snake) and will be 40 degrees above the horizon at its zenith, asuming you are at a similar latitude to me. It will be at its best to view in February.

Time to start saving up.

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As said it is in the constellation of Hydra and, sadly, very faint.

The images, hopefully, attached shows the general field of view of Hydra which is currently setting towards the West. Your star is in the red circle which is a typical field of a 10X50 binocular (5 degrees field of view). The zoomed in 5 degree field of view show what I believe is your +15.5 magnitude star which has the exiting name of J0825057+023811.

The monochrome image shows the star as the larger 'blob'.

Usually when the 'gifts' are purchased they would normally have a chart or photograph. Did they supply one of these.

If you had come to me earlier then I would have only charged you a fiver. :-)




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Never mind whether you can see it or not - as you say it is the thought that counts and I have to admit that my partner did the same for me. She didn't know much about astronomy at the time but at least it showed she had thought about it. The fact that it is an insignificant speck that you would need the Hubble Space telescope to see is another thing all together :):)

Anyway welcome to the form and thanks for the thread.

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Thanks for the reponses, the warm wlecome, and the effort to send pictures. Appreciated, especially as i came on begging! Hopefully I will be able to make a more valid contribution once I learn a but.

Happy that it can be seen from the UK. Will make it easier to see one day. Yes, she'll appreciate the sentiment, even if she never sees it. It didn't come with a star map. I jsut went for the cheapest package I could find online. Didn't want to pay £30+ for something i knew wasn't real just for the map. Thought I could find it myself but failed, quickly realised there was a lot of knowledge I needed to get up to speed! time to buy a book I think and do some research!

Thanks again

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