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NGC7023 with SXVR-H694 - processing

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I managed to get a dozen 5 minute subs last night on NGC7023 with my new SXVR-H694 on my Equinox 80 (with TRF-2008 reducer), and have subtracted bias/flats (no darks) using DSS. Otherwise, it's comletely unprocessed.

I know it needs lots of data, but this is all I have as it seemed like a good target in the sky from my location and obviously dark skies and new equipment are fairly rare so I made the most of the opportunity! Unfortunately, the same day my SXVR-H694 arrived I killed my PC, so the only computer I have to work on is a vey underpowered laptop with a poor screen. I can't really see what is there, and my processing is not the best anyway yet - perhaps some kind soul can have a go at it?

Click on the .JPG image below for the full (18MB) .TIF file.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree it is acracking image. I over stretched the histogram to show the dark clouds that are there. I did notice a large gradient across the image from top left to bottom right. PixInsight was able to remove it ok.

I look forward to seeing the full color result :)

Clear Skies


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