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Saturn 06/04 AS!2 V Registax 6


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Looking forward to the verdict Neil ;)

Getting mixed results with Jupiter. Wavelets seem to be working better than Lucy Richardson.

This one turned out quite nicely.

From October 15th Last year.

Jupiter and Io

AS!2 + R6 wavelets


Interesting John. I would be inclined to try a little of both, smooth wavelets. subtle convolution. Nice image.

BTW ive done 1 test AS/2 i was surprised to find on this particulaly noisy red jup image murdered registax.

Both in detail and noise. quite shocked infact. Im going to do a lot more messing about. before i post the results.

But yes its not hype. If these results get replicated consistently then i think reg is going bye byes. Looks like i was slow on the uptake about this.But as mentioned it was people saying AS/2 was so much better, that got me interested. i thought AS/2s quality selection wasnt any better than regs. But it seems theres a lot more to it than just quality frame selection. Noise detail and contrast are areas that seemed to be in another class. Thats my initial conclusion. But im going to try a bit more to prove beyond doubt how much better AS/2 is, so it leaves everyone in no doubt. that i gave them both a fair wack. And can make up there own minds. I should post something soon.

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