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APT Canon 20D

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Is there any way to get APT to work with a Canon 20D in Windows 7? I assume it is impossible as Canon do not support the 20D for Windows 7? I just wanted to check if there is a way to get it to work. When I try I get a message saying "communication problem".

I know almost nothing about astrophotography, but now I have a HEQ5 mount I wouldn't mind taking the occasional photo, especially of things I can't seem to see from my light polluted location like M51! As the 20D does not have live view it is murder to use, unless with a computer.


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Hi David,

If your Win7 is 32bts there is no problem. Just install the drivers for 350D. If you have 64bits, there are two solutions - to configure a 32 bits virtual machine and install there the drivers and APT. The second option is to install a new copy of XP or Win7 32bits as dual boot...

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  • 2 weeks later...

To resurrect this slightly old post.

For anyone who has an older Canon camera such as the 20D which will not work on Windows 7, as Yoddha suggested one option is a virtual machine.

As I know little about computers this took huge amounts of messing about. I finally succeeded in installing an XP virtual machine, this is VMLite.

If you try this I would recommend V4 Beta as I had huge problems with the earlier version.

You may also need to install VirtualBox from Oracle, although I am not sure if this is necessary. Both downloads are free and there is a lot of information on the internet.

Do not hold me responsible if anything goes wrong with your computer, but it worked for me!

APT now works, I just need the endless cloud to disappear to try it out!

I bought an Equinox 80ed refractor, thinking I could use it to take photographs of wildlife during the day if there are clouds at night, but everything has been grey and horrible during the day as well! I honestly don't remember it being cloudy day and night for two whole weeks before!


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