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First Light on Skymax 127

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Hi everyone first light on my skymax 127 with the EQ 3-2 mount.

The scope arrived well packed in one large box with five smaller boxes inside. The scope went together pretty quick taking about 40 mins to assemble, there were some tools provided but only the screwdriver was needed.

So what did I see, the first thing I tried was Venus, which appeared to be in its first phase a bit like a quarter moon but much smaller ( not really impressive) I then tried Mars and once again, small yellowish, orangey dot with no detail that I could see, at this point I was wandering if I had made a mistake, was the scope too small to see anything or was there just too much light pollution? (probably the latter). I then noticed that Jupiter hadn't quite set so centred on it and was pleasantly surprised...I could definitely make out it was Jupiter I even convinced myself that there were two dark bands and I could easily make out four moons. I have an ipad with Go SkyWatch on it which I am using as a finder tool as I dont have GOTO and noticed that Saturn was rising so waited until it had risen a bit then put the red dot on it and bingo so to speak, there it was. I could see it in all its glory, rings and maybe a moon?, someone can tell me if im right on that as i'm very new to this. I must say the sight of saturn with its rings made it all worth while. I did try to find various nebulas and star clusters without success but that was my ignorance in locating things rather than the scope I feel, all though light pollution didn't help much. Do I think i've bought the right scope? for me yes, its simple to use, upgradeable and is built to last for years, and will undoubtably perform even better with more competent eye pieces onboard ,which can be added as and when funds allow. All in all a very good first nights viewing, heres to many more a bit warmer next time I hope.:)

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I think that the 127 Mak is a great scope if you suffer from light pollution. The things it is not so good at (wide, faint DSOs) you can't pick out due to the LP anyway.

Get yourself a planisphere - they're great for learning your way round the main constellations. I found "Turn Left at Orion" really useful. It lists easy to find objects but also grades them with regards to what kind of sky you have.

One great thing about an EQ mount when you start off is that it makes it quite easy to navigate NESW.


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Congratulations on the new scope! It's a great choice for urban astronomy, excelling at bright objects that you'll still be able to see, and compact enough to easily take with you if you get the chance to visit darker skies.

You will be able to see star clusters and nebula with it too, so keep persisting. Have a go at splitting double star systems too.

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