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Now in possession of the AP-bible, I have a few quickies before I start ordering in the gear! :D

1. As I am after Astrophotography, I will be getting a Newtonian. Looking at the telescopes available, for tracking (etc) and stability, would I be best with a motorised mount?

2. What would be the weight limits on said mount from Q.1 (considerations to the DSLR used)?

3. DSLR, Telescope, Camera mounting adapter - what other kit is generally needed/required/useful for a beginner?

4. Which webcam is recommended for disassembly? I work with IT so have access to many types!

Thanks in advance :(

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Well, good luck. You will absolutely need a driven mount. For a reflector with a focal length of 750mm or more the general advice you will need a HEQ5 mount at minimum. You can do it on a lighter mount but it is more difficult.

Reflectors are quite bulky so they are sensitive to wind and need careful collimation. The mirror can shift during imaging making tracking more difficult. For these reasons refractors like the ED80 are often suggested as an easier scope to start with.

Do you already have a DSLR?

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