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Eyepiece questions - + anyone experienced "Seben" zoom EP's?


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I got hold of a William Optics zenithstar 80 semi-apo. It wasn't exactly what i wanted but it'll do to start off with - now my question is which eyepieces would be the best choice for both lunar/ planetary and deeps sky stuff? the focal length of the semi apo is 480mm

I have ordered a "Seben" 8-24mm plossl zoom. It was only 39 euro so i'm not too fussed if it's not all that. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced their kit?

Any reccomendations greatfully received....

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Seben have a bad name, but I own one of those zoom eyepieces and to be honest I find it great value. I'm not enough of an expert to give a detailed "review" of it, but I can tell you it compares favourably to any of the plossls I have/had, including Meade, Celestron plossls. For the money I think it's a great, handy eyepiece.

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With such a short focal length and small apeture you will get great wide field and will be fine on the moon, but it's going to be pretty limiting on planets, so dont expect too much from the Eyepiece in terms of planetary work. You might be better off with normal plossl's as they have less glass which means brighter images, especially on a small apeture.

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