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Tonight's moon (second moon picture)


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How the heck did you do that with your iPhone? That is fantastic!

The Moon was simply just a white blob through any optics I had available tonight.

I just held the iphone camera a few mm above the EP until it went into focus, then played with the image in PS =)

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Great pic, very well done indeed. Who says you can't image with a Dob. I'm just processing and piecing together a mosaic taken with £3.95 webcam through the same 'scope. :)

But it is upside down!!

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Great pic, very well done indeed. Who says you can't image with a Dob. I'm just processing and piecing together a mosaic taken with £3.95 webcam through the same 'scope. :)

But it is upside down!!

How do you use a webcam? I bought one earlier for about £10, i did what the tutorials said to do and took the lens out and attached a tube and whatnot, but it wouldn't focus, the moon was just a white blob. So i took it back to Argos lol.

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The focus point is a long way in, I gave up first night, then tried to focus on a distant tree (couple of miles away) during daylight.

I'll take a pic of the setup in the focuser tomorrow if requires but look at the xbox modding thread for pics of my modded camera.

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