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Moore Marathon...

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To my untrained eye, this looks absolutely brilliant for beginners. Although it's essentially an 'observing' project I've posted it in this section because I think it's the first port of call for newbies. Well, it certainly is for me.

If you didn't catch the programme, to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of The Sky at Night, Patrick Moore has put a list of 55 of his favourite objects to spot throughout April. These range from extremely simple targets (the moon) to more difficult spots (sombrero galaxy and specific moon craters). To accompany it, there are some excellent sky maps in a superb guide.

All in all it looks like a really good introduction to the night sky for those who are new to the hobby and those who have just got hold of some bins or a starter scope.

Some links here...

The main webpage:

BBC One - The Sky at Night

Observing guide with maps:


Detailed recording form:


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Myself a few friends are doing this too :icon_salut:) and I agree it is a great way!! to see and find some of the great things we can see when 'looking up'' haha Im starting tonight with the list, going to at least complete the visual ones tonight...IF!! we have clear sky's that is :D

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I've printed off the guide and made 4 copies for a bit of family viewing!

After just a quick flick through, it really does look great. Those maps look like they'll make finding things a lot simpler! We will see...

I'm sure the experts could tick these off in their sleep, but for us newbies, once again, it looks really good. It even might be a good way to get the kids involved (if that's what you want!).

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Ive yet to print it off, I might do that tonight as I said clear sky's required first haha

I will be doing it with my Daughter who is 9, I took her out for a bit of gazing the other week and she LOVED IT!!! so she will love doing this too, really looking forward to get going on it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have managed to start ticking whilst dodging the poor viewing over the past week. Got a very sneeky look at the crescent Venus after a night out. Totally unexpected as it was raining when i went into the restaurant and clear skies when i left!

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Well I was lucky - I was out and saw the ISS pass over at 21:55 - brilliant sight! Mag -3.5 so very bright indeed and watched it from overhead until it fell into shadow in the East - just as if someone had turned down a dimmer switch!

It seems the Heavens Above website thinks I am UTC+2 so it's predicted pass of 22:55 was out by an hour :)

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43/55 at full time, engaged tomorrow and the remaining targets are all early hours so that rules out work nights.

Had a good bash tonight, saw Cygnus and the Northern Cross for the first time, and Albireo (wow!) just over the hedge. Was homing in on the Ring Nebula when the high clouds got in the way so called it a night.

Objects not observed on the list:

9 Belt of Venus

23 Antares

24 The Teapot

26 Coathanger Cluster

31 Wild Duck Cluster

32 Dumbbell Nebula

40 Ring Nebula

41 Sombrero Galaxy

49 Syrtis Major

52 Lagoon Nebula

53 Swan Nebula

54 Messier 5

Not too bad given the weather we've had in April :)

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Ive had a few night looking for these 55. Just ticked off 8 & 19. I have seen Earthshine lots of times in the past and never really knew what it was - great to see it and really understand what I am seeing. Also ticked off Algol in Persus tonight.

My fav so far is The Belt of Venus - seen it so many times never knew what it was or why it was there.

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