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Just sat playing with what looks to be a fab piece of software.

I'm taking darks at the moment but I've noticed there is a ring of different coloured blue (assume this is the scope cap) and the darks go from a lighter to darker shade of blue in gradient from left to right.

Is this normal?

BTW was going to image, but black clouds have rolled in ........

Don't you just love mother nature :0(


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?h1hcsk

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I would like to get a copy of BYE... For darks, there is no need to keep the camera attached to the scope. The only thing you need to keep constant is the temperature. I think stray light getting into your darks makes them useless - perhaps somebody more knowledgable can confirm.

Perhpas stop tapatalk from advertising your location in posts?

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So far I love it, very good bit of software..........

Feel a bit silly, just realised it was stray light coming from the bottom of my scope via my laptop :)


Never thought of just putting the lens cap on, thanks.

I've got a lot to learn, but I do enjoy learning ;)

Off to turn off the location link, thanks never noticed that before......



I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?ecrq21

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