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sorry - predictive text on my mobile ..please excuse the poor spelling. I need advice to get a quality eye P, that will give me a great view of the planets for my Skywatcher 130M, the 10mm amd 25Mm are ok but bog standard in quality can anyone recommend anything that would improve my obervations please ???

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Have you got a 2x barlow lens?, i was using that last night with my 130m and the 25mm on the moon, it was amazing, kept swapping with the 6.5mm and 10mm too......... shame the buy and sell has gone from on here as i got some good quality eyepieces from people x

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I started using a couple of Ortho Baader (6mm & 9mm) with my refractor. From an inner-city balcony, they gave decent, no, excellent views of Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon & a vague and hazy Mars.

The Orthos gave that wow moment but I knew in my heart that the refractor could do better than this. I also found that I was having to chase these celestial objects just a little too much for my liking.

Anyway, I was chatting to a fellow who runs a shop in Sevilla and he recommened that I try Celestron's X-Cel LX. He posted me the 7mm and 12mm on Monday on condition that I would return them if they weren't to my suiting.

What can I tell you?

I got them a couple of nights ago. They're like small grenades. The 7mm measures about 90mm in length, the 12mm about 80mm. They're pretty heavy, housed in thick, grooved rubber for easy-grip, they feel and look the business. Each have 16mm eye relief and 60-degree apparent field of view, and of those views?


From my own subjective experience (how could it be otherwise?), on the refractor they've blown away the Orthos. Wide angle views, crisp and sharp and sweet and so much brighter then the Plossls and Orthos I had been using; a more relaxed sit back and chase experience.

Needless to say, I'd seriously recommend the X-Cel LX for planet and general celestial viewing.

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yeah definately, i havent had much time for it all lately so just been reading lots, my mums been poorly so last night was the first time iv looked thru it since about november and i only bought it at the peak star party at the end of october.... hopefully il get some good sites of things tonight even though it will only be a short outing x

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well im afraid to say i only got a view of the moon and a quick nosey at venus as those stupid clouds kept getting in the way, i may try again tomorrow. i dont think the seeing was good even when the clouds moved as only the moon showed up well x

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