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Any one know how much the skyliner 150p weighs?

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I've looked on google to try and find out how much it weighs, so far i have only found 2 websites and they both said different things, one said 25kg and the other said 35kg, does anyone know the actual weight?

Oh and also is there any bags that this scope would fit in that i could buy for cheap?

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The Orion Skyquest XT6 Classic (similar telescope) weighs 15.6 kg, Skywatcher gives the shippling weight of the Skyliner as 14.8 + 10kgs (I assume the 10kgs is packaging)


Ah thank you, didn't expect the package to way that much but i guess that will probably include some sort of instruction manual? I hope it is around 15kg for the scope itself as that will make it much less of a pain in the backside to take it out.

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