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Astro Software


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Background: Nexstar 8SE (1 day till arrival), Nikon D5000 (w/ shutter remote and built in intervolameter) and lots of time!

Question: What software should do I need in order to whip out some great pics of the celestial sphere?

It should be something that isn't too technical or it should have a tutorial. It should preferable be free and available for download. Most importantly it should be safe (i.e. no viruses, malware, etc.) but I guess that a given, lol!

I not looking to make pictures to post in a scientific journal (but that would be awesome if I did!) I just want something to present the cosmos to my distant family and friends so they too can enjoy the best show on Earth (or perhaps in the Universe/'s depending on your scientific bend). Any assitance with be greatly valued so thanks in advance!

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