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MS Lifecam - which resolution

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I've recently picked up a modded MS Lifecam 720HD camera. Can someone advise if it would be better capturing at 640 x 480 resolution or full 720 HD resolution when using my 200P. In the past I've used my NexImage / SPC900 at 640 x 480, so will hopefully get better detail with the Lifecam ??

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I'll be interested to see answers to this one. I modded my own MS Lifecam HD camera, and up till now it hadn't even occurred to me to operate it at less than its maximum resolution. Frankly, I thought it was more a matter of what resolution the receiving computer was capable of dealing with. But what do I know?

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Here here, as Malcolm & Brian says id be very interest in this as i too have recently added a ms lifecam hd to my growing collection of gear. Though i still need to buy 2 yes thats correct 2, IR filters 1 for each cam...

regards Ady

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From those I've spoken too who have done quite a bit with both cams the SPC900 is better for planets but the ms lifecam is better for the moon. I'm waiting for a lifecam cinema to be delivered then I can chop it up and make my own mind up :blob10:

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I've had a few issues with the observatory PC this evening, so couldn't compare the results through the same scope under the same conditions, plus the SPC doesn't appear to have any zoom function, which I used on Saturday at SGL7.

Here is a crude comparison between the MS lifecam and the neximage (spc in a flash box !). Other than colour differences, it would seem that the above statement may be incorrect. The neximage was used with two 2x barlows stacked, which I'm guessing equates to 4x the focal length, which was 1000mm (SW200P). The Lifecam was prime focus through the 127 mak (1500mm). Using the zoom function the image through the 127 Mak is larger, but maybe not as detailed ? - but then it's on two different nights and locations and stack sizes so it's not conclusive.


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I asked the question on the Astronomy Shed forum so that's where is came from. Like I say I hope to find out when my lifecam arrives. If that pic is a guide then let the fun begin :blob10: I want better resolution hence me wanting the lifecam but the ccd is still better for low light from what I've read.

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It would seem that for a given scope the larger sensor in the MS camera and with the zoom function gives a larger image in a like for like set up. This was what I was hoping to test tonight, but the MS camera didn't want to play, firstly conflicting with the SPC / NexImage drivers and then dropping 10-20 frames for everyone collected, and those were poor quality. Even added a new USB2 card to the PC and that didn't help. All being well I'll sort it in time for the next session and will do a true comparison.

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