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Just wide angle or a mix??

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Before my head explodes.. with the constant.. which ones shall I buy, I thought I'd ask would it be better to buy good quality wide field eyepieces or would I be missing something without a bit of variety, maybe some plossl, planetaries, etc...etc....etc....etc.

I have an explorer 300pds with no eyepieces yet....

Many thanks


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I think the size of your scope the low power needs to be around 30mm and the high power end around 8mm with a couple of others spread out in between, the amount of money you spend will determine the quality and views not sure if my estimates of price guides are right but here goes, £40-70 better than the supplied EP's, £70- 150 medium quality, £150 plus (Televue types) Good quality, how much better than medium i can't say...

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