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It might just be me missing the forest for the trees, but I couldn't find a complaint email or an ad review feature. Only reason I ask is because I had a bad experience when I went to look at something that clearly wasn't as described by the guy in his ad or via email and I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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I've bought and sold lots of stuff on AB&S over the years and found it a very effective and useful means of trading astro gear. My rule of thumb is:-

1) set yourself a limit on which you're prepared to risk buying stuff unseen - I'm afraid there will be the occasional disappointment but in my experience most people on AB&S are straight and honest - I've only had a couple of disappointments over many years of using the AB&S site, but the vast majority of purchases I've been perfectly happy with,

2) I would never buy a scope or expensive eyepiece without seeing it in the flesh first - this means that you might have to forgo that beautiful bargain at the other end of the country, but so be it -you need to have some self-discipline to resist the urge to go ahead regardless,

3) If you're buying stuff unseen, insist that the seller provides photos of the article in question. Pictures posted on AB&S are usually insufficient to show the true condition so don't be afraid to ask the seller for better quality photos. Also, do a quick browse for similar used ads of the same article; sometimes you find people have simply copied a photo from another ad, in which case beware.

4) make sure your own expectations are reasonable in the first place - this stuff normally isn't new and if the used price is half the new retail price then it ain't going to be in brand new condition,

5) descriptions such as "LNIB" and "excellent condition" should be treated with a pinch of salt. A quick interrogative phone call to the seller should help clraify the actual condition.

6) treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. If you're selling on AB&S, provide straightforward, honest descriptions of the item you're selling - most things will sell at the right price.

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Oh I completely agree with all that. I went to look at a scope and it was in awful condition, I don't want someone to drive down from Scotland thinking they're going to get a good deal and be disappointed!

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I'm afraid on sites like this it's a case of 'buyer beware' if your not sure then don't buy,I wouldn't accept the buyers description on an expensive item without seeing myself.Having said that I have bought a fair few items on this site without any trouble,and find most sellers to be genuine in their belief that what they are selling is as described,unfortunately some people have a false sense of what most people would consider 'excellent condition' it would appear you have just dealt with one.:)

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The way I see it is like this:

Its an advert, so description and photos are paramount. I always clarify what the advert says and always get the seller to reiterate it back. I pay with paypal...NOT as a gift but for a product. I have had one bad experience regarding not as described...In all honesty I would have been safer buying from Robert Mugabe!! No major issues though. I contacted the seller and he point blank refused to refund and insisted sold as seen....Hello Paypal...I have a problem...and left it at that...Paypal instructed me to send them any emails/evidence etc and to send the item back via a registered means and they then issued the refund once he received it back, although he did try the 'I never got it' line, which paypal laughed at. (The process is actually quite long winded but protected all the same)

I think the key to everything when dealing with online transactions of any kind is:



Protected payment method.

Once in a while some idiot will try it on but thats expected. If you expect everybody to be as honest as you then your setting yourself to fail immediately. No matter who they are always, thats always send payment via a protected method for goods and not as a gift if you cant hand the cash over yourself after inspecting goods. Paypal may not be your cup of tea but theyre reliable and they protect your money. (In my experience)



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All the above is mainly common sense and should absolutely be followed. However, there's little protection against turning up to find out the item is not as the photographs show or is described.

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All the above is mainly common sense and should absolutely be followed. However, there's little protection against turning up to find out the item is not as the photographs show or is described.

Can't be good having your time wasted but I guess there's some solace in that you avoided paying for a bad scope from a dishonest seller.

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Can't be good having your time wasted but I guess there's some solace in that you avoided paying for a bad scope from a dishonest seller.

Yeah, the excellent condition scope had algae growing on it, the dob mount had chipped and bubbled paint and all the bolts were completely rusted and the kicker.. the primary had all sorts of things growing on it, algae was the least of my worries. He tried to tell me it just needs a clean, I said it would be completely tarnished and need a total recoat which, with the state of the rest of it, wasn't worth it.

Fortunately though I bought a 12" flex tube from a chap on here and that actually was in good nick!

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