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Background ADU figure - Is it a useful pointer for anything?


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Just having a little wonder about stuff, having spent far too much time on the net today and trying to understand whether there is anything I can do to improve my data capture. I have just imaged over 14 hours on M106 in RGB and have to say that I am very saddened by the results. So ................

I have had a look at the background ADU of my individual subs in RGB - Does the following mean anything, can it be useful in any way to help me understand my data capture and maybe point to any issues?

420s subs in each filter and the figure taken from the same point on each sub. I am looking at the 'maximum' figure in Maxim

R = 3368

G = 4679

B = 3074

Also I notice that Maxim gives me a SNR figure - How can I use this to my advantage if at all? Is the figure better lower or higher?

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