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First Light - Saturn - very excited :)

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Hello all,

First light, first scope and a lovely view of Saturn - so excited!

... and all this from a light polluted car park near Watford.

I just had to post the news of my first night out with my new short refractor. 2am I could clearly see Saturn, rings and cassini division was visible. I didn't expect it to move so quickly in the eyepiece. I hadn't even aligned the scope - but was able to keep it central every 10 seconds or so with the Celestron handset.

A nice sharp image on the new scope (only arrived 2 days ago and I have been plagued with clouds). I was only looking through a 9mm supplied EP so not ideal and Saturn was pretty small, but sharp and a great site! Considering I bought this scope for wide field viewing I have been impressed with the view of Saturn. Mars was bright also but frankly no where near as impressive.

I have an 8mm Vixen NPL and Vixen barlow on the way. I am considering a 5 or 6mm TMB Planetary II or a Celestron X-Cel LX next and a nice BST 25mm for wide field.

... now I just need to convince the wife to let me have Mak!

Sorry if this is of no interest to anyone else - so excited I just *had* to post it on the forum before going to bed :)


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Well done Carl - Saturn is a huge wow moment for all astronomers the first time out - and still is I suppose as you have to make the effort at this time of the year to get up late / early to actually see it. I'm sure I read it will be in opposition to the Earth with the best views about the middle of April so get your sleep in now.

Sounds like you've got some nice E/Ps on the way aswel so things will only get better :0)

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