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No clouds!!!!!!!!!!!!


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theres no clouds over Swansea - I haven't had a real chance to use my C6R (1 month) yet and after the nice review of an Evostar 150 I read earlier I'm dying to get out. Am packing the car and off to a reasonably dark spot in Gower - have coffee, will observe. Yippee! :wink:

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( Orange and blue! Some atmospheres simply have no taste!)


No doubt there's a brown belt in there somewhere......

Apologies i'm having a Susan and Trinny moment.. :wink:

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Stick a fork in it... it's done. Very few clouds tonight so I grabbed my little ED-80 and drove to the carpark near the top of the hill above my town and have spent a couple of hours in the pale blue night trying to get images of Jupiter. It's still quite light here in the north, just darkening twilight even at 2 in the a.m. but it was still good to get out again. Jupiter was about 12-15 degrees above the horizon over the town, so I stuck in a LPR filter and oogled it for a while, in between trying to get shots with my piggybacked DSLR (hopeless and gritty) and my LPI webcam. Unfortunately, due to the twilight and problems I've been having with the motor drive I never got any worthwhile shots at all, but damn it was still good to get a look at Jupiter. Bands could clearly be seen and at least 3 moons no problem. Still no GSR, but when I get my 8" SCT I'll bag that sucker. Back home at 1.30am for tea and medals. :wink:

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