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Just bagged Venus tonight.

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Just seen Venus through my scope for the first time tonight. Fantastic as it had slight crecent to it.

Had set my scope up early tonight as it had been a lovely day. Left it outside to cool down then lo and behold it started to rain. Made a mad dash outside and brought the whole rig back in.

Left it half an hour and the rain had stopped so I decided to chance my arm again.

Went to the bottom of my garden and luckily Venus and Jupiter were just visible over the top of my house, so quickly set the scope up again and just got 5 mins of Venus before it dissapeared over the top of the house. Very pleased.

It is a shame that it is a full moon tonight as I got a little bit of Mars as well, but with the brightness of the moon getting in the way it didn't show it at it's best. All in all not bad though. If I had outside longer it would have been nice to bag Saturn as well, but I saw it a couple of nights ago anyway.

I love this astronomy malarkey. Should have done it years ago.

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