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My first few Deep Space Images


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I've had my scope for twelve days now, and been out observing for nine of those! This must be some kind of record. From the start I wanted to do astrophotography, so bought T rings etc along with the new scope so I could get straight to it.

My camera is a Nikon D50 DSLR, which isn't modified, and doesn't have a live view, so focussing was a bit of a challenge to start with. On Friday just gone, it was cloudy, so I spent the evening making myself a Bahtinov mask. While the viewfinder image is still too small to be of use, I can take a test picture, enlarge the image to see the defraction spikes, and adjust focus accordingly until it is spot on, then lock the focus. I don't have any filters yet, though have a light pollution filter on the way.

Firstly, my home made Bahtinov mask, which works really well, and cost me a couple of scalpel blades, and some material from my modelling scrap box, plus a few hours in front of the TV cutting the slots.


These pictures are being hosted on facebook, and I think their compression software has created the graded halo effect around M42, as it isn't on the original Tiff or Jpeg image.

M42, Orion Nebula. ISO 800, with almost seven minutes of exposure. Made from 6 to 10 second subs to aviod the light pollution at home, 30 x darks, 30 flats. Any more than 10 second exposures and everything gets too orange.


M81 and M82. ISO 800. Because of the light pollution in Washington, I could just about make out M82 in the view finder, so had a go at capturing it. 30 x 10 second images, 10 x darks, 10 flats. Considering they were on the borderline of being visible through the scope, I was very pleased with this image. This was taken before I made the focus mask.


M38. ISO 800, 20 x 6 second subs, 10 x darks, 10 flats.


NGC884 & NGC869 clusters. ISO 800, 20 x 6 second subs, plus 10 darks. Also taken before the focus mask.


M45 the Pleiades. ISO 800 20 x 8 second subs, 10 x darks, 10 flats.


I've still got so much to learn, but for a few days worth of learning to use the scope and learning to operate the camera through it, I'm pretty pleased with these first attempts, especially as my home isn't a particularly dark site.

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Just looked at your web site, fantastic, I now understand why your Bahtinov mask looks so good!! Having made my share of RC aircraft and helicopters (about 30 now) I fully appreciate the level of skill that is shown in your modelmaking. I am sure this skill and patience will be well rewarded in AP.


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