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Telescope thoughts

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Yes i thought it would be strange an optic set like that going free with the telescope but i thought I would try and find out,tried to get in contact with them over the phone to enquire but they have been on answerphone:icon_neutral:

Still better than Kay Optical i phoned up about a telescope thismorning and the guy the other end said he was busy unloading new stock so told me he would call me in 15mins,2 hours later i called again to be told he is at dinner but would get back to me as he has two enquiries, mine being the second so he would phone just after 2pm,4:40pm phoned again just orange answerphone :D

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After much thought i have gone for the Skywatcher Explorer -130p which should arrive this Monday,I know there are bigger ones out there but for the price i could afford and from what i have looked up and been told about it,it seems a good one to start with.

I know i am going to have to spend some time getting used to it but hopefully with help and advice from you all i should be able to get into stargazing and much more later on.:)

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i have the 130M and to be honest i wish id waited and saved up for the 150 or 200 dob, the eq2 mount is a pain in the ****, i spend more time fighting the mount than i do observing,

but having said that the scope itself is great and the 130p should be slightly better, and it is probably one of the best beginner scopes available

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Yes was told about those you have mentioned but my budget could not squeeze to the price i was seeing them for unfortunately,and waiting to save up more wasn't an option as there are to many other commitments right now,maybe in a couple of years.

So it sounds like i haven't made a good call on the telescope then if I'm going to have problems with the mounts,still that's typical of things at the moment not going right:clouds2:

All i can do is hope it is OK, oh well i soon be able to get back and report if all isn't good:icon_confused:

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It's not that you will have problems with the mount, it's just that an EQ mount needs to be set up each time it's used to get the best performance. This is really more necessary with larger EQ mounts, and not so precise with the EQ2 mount on the 130M, so long as the polar axis is raised to your latitude and pointed at Polaris you should be fine.

With the Dob you simply place it on the ground and move it to point at the direction of the target you want to look at

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