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Appropriate thread closed


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As title says the thread I was commenting on was closed as I was (slowly) typing, or I had not noticed it was closed before typing.

Well I wanted to make my 2p worth as the thread was clearly closed as the content went wayward... so feel free to delete/move as appropriate just wanted to make my thoughts known.

thread was re: FLO's pricing policy

here was my original text:

Seems the thread has sidetracked somewhat.

I can only comment on my own experiences with FLO. I accept that if you do not wish to offer a discount if I were to ask then that is your prerogative as a retailer and if I werent happy to shop around, I dont think you need apologise for it or I if that were the case.

Personally as has been iterated in this thread a dfew times, a matter of a few pounds matters not when I know I can rely on great service. A matter of thousands and bigger savings elsewhere, well I dont think many would argue even the best in customer service couldnt balance with massive savings.

Having said this I have been oodling those Edge Hd's a while and the current discount isnt the first FLO have ever offered on these (especially recently) and some awesome savings on open boxes - this is certainly a discount but perhaps not in the conventional 'haggle' type way many of us would probably expect or have done in the past nevertheless I think the offers displayed look more than reasonable.

To the subject I can really comment on though, the service I have recieved and what will maintain me as a future customer of FLO:

1) ALL my orders have arrived within 2 or 3 working days from making the order

2) Queries I have made have always been answered (more than) satisfactorily. One email got missed but after chasing it Martin promtly apologised and quickly replied to me.

3) FLO have never disinformed me and I feel assured that if they did they would recitify it best they can (speaking from a question I made regarding the suitablilty of a dovertail for my current mount that I could use on one I was thinking of purchasing in the future - the information given was correct btw)

4) They go out of their way to make things work out for you the customer, one example I had asked for vouchers for christams and ended up with a lot of small denominations, long story short I wanted to make a big purchase but the site was only able to acknowledge 1 voucher per basket - after some confusion in the communication Martin again made sure everything was sorted in the end and a suggestion I made to make the site capable of taking multiple vouchers was not taken as a negative comment, although it may have read that way.

I have one gripe and that is that I have never actually managed to speak to FLO on the phone! That is my preffered method of communication, but if the helpdesk system works for them as a company ( and to be frank it has actually worked out fine for me) then really I cant take issue with that.

Im not going to comment about the SGL-FLO relationship, frankly its not really any of my business. Both provide a service to me that is hugely beneficial and at the best price -FREE! I for one would like to say that I am quite grateful for that and long amy it continue.

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Yeah I have already posted my official 'reviews' of my FLO experiences, it was originally meant to be a reply to the sponsors own part of the board but as I said the thread was closed. I guess mods can move/remove if deemed inappropriate.

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You are right MjrTom obiously I cannot move it now and I was making the post with the best intentions. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by

like everyone else's....
I am not silly nor do I wish to join any bashing session, I was hoping to make my thoughts and steer the thread back on track.
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You are right MjrTom obiously I cannot move it now and I was making the post with the best intentions. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by I am not silly nor do I wish to join any bashing session, I was hoping to make my thoughts and steer the thread back on track.

I'm sure you meant no harm but all of us need to put a stop to this.

It is like crashing the same car.


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