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Teleskop Service TS 65mm f/6.5 Quadruplet Astrograp


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My new scope has arrived and I got a chance to use it last night - in short things went flawlessly!

You can see example shots on my website here: =http://www.sanddune.info/home/Updates]Updates - Welford Observatory or follow this link for high res examples:


(note: the example shots were quickly processed for a comparison of the field of view and to demonstrate the star quality to the edge of field only)

- Supplied by Modern Astronomy - first class and hassle free service throughout - queries dealt with on the day and considered / measured advice provided.

- Build quality is superb compared to the Orion ED-80 - rock solid - focuser is extremely robust and sensitive in fine focus. Also - the element the camera is mounted to can be unlocked and spun to frame the image without loosing focus.

- Imaging is a significant improvement on the ED-80 - first, the wider field takes in more outlying nebulosity and, with the built in field flattner the stars were sharp out to the edge of the image.

- My guiding is much better - mainly because the centre of gravity of the scope is closer to the axis (I couldn't move the ED-80 up in the rings far enough) and 20 min subs on M45 are flawless (although in the example shot 3x20min on M45 left it overexposed)

I am understandably satisfied with the customer service, build quality and imaging results I've seen with this scope - I don't have any criticisms.

A final note on previous reviews I've read: there were occurances of astigmatism at low temperature - my test was carried out around 6 degrees so not cold enough to highlight this if it exists. However, as stated in other reviews - pinching of optics at cold temps is not unique to this scope (indeed I had the same problem it turns out on my ED-80) and is easily overcome with a dew strap around the element so I'm not worried about it :-)


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An update on my note above regarding astigmatism in early models - I used the scope last night in -2 or less conditions and didn't experience any optical errors :grin:

Here's IC 1396 @ c.-2c


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Superb result! I'm guessing you're very happy with that scope and its performance!


Big Time Ant :grin:

I can't afford the +1k gear so I was over the moon (har har!) to get this for c.£500 - hours of enjoyment ahead of me.

Mosaic's becon


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That does look very good. Stars on the left hand side of the image are not quite perfect but they're not a serious problem to my eye. This slight distortion might be unconnected with the scope in any case.

The element prone to pinching in the earlier examples ( I saw two here and both were totally unusable ) was the rear element so that would be the one to warm slightly if you do run into a problem. However I suspect they've probably sorted it by now.

I can see this being a very popular choice. BTW, small scopes really tend to shine in narrowband, I find.


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That does look very good. Stars on the left hand side of the image are not quite perfect but they're not a serious problem to my eye. This slight distortion might be unconnected with the scope in any case.

The element prone to pinching in the earlier examples ( I saw two here and both were totally unusable ) was the rear element so that would be the one to warm slightly if you do run into a problem. However I suspect they've probably sorted it by now.

I can see this being a very popular choice. BTW, small scopes really tend to shine in narrowband, I find.


I was quite relieved Olly - cold out there again tonight (1c) and still looking OK.

You're right about the stars on the left - my polar alignment is out a bit out and depending on which stars I use in Nebulosity's "Translational + Rotation" stacking routine I tend to get a bit of elongation.

I have no technical evidence to support that - a guess really and just observation - the distortion isn't there in the base captures

And thanks for the tip regarding the element to focus on - I have a dew strap on standby :grin:


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I was quite relieved Olly - cold out there again tonight (1c) and still looking OK.

You're right about the stars on the left - my polar alignment is out a bit out and depending on which stars I use in Nebulosity's "Translational + Rotation" stacking routine I tend to get a bit of elongation.

I have no technical evidence to support that - a guess really and just observation - the distortion isn't there in the base captures

And thanks for the tip regarding the element to focus on - I have a dew strap on standby :grin:


I wonder if a different programme would do better. I think you can download a trial Registar which is a very sophisticated alignment/resizing programme. Or have you tried DSS?


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I wonder if a different programme would do better. I think you can download a trial Registar which is a very sophisticated alignment/resizing programme. Or have you tried DSS?


Nebulosity is a real favourite of mine - and any errors produced using it are usually down to me :-)

In this instance I've learned that I need to select stars from the left and right of reaches of the image during translation+rotation - made sense when I thought about it composing my post above - tried it and it works thankfully - stars are looking good in some recent shots.

I have tried DSS in the past though - great program no doubt


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