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NGC2264 - Cone and Fox Fur Nebulae in Ha


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This is a work in progress and I will be adding OIII and SII when work and weather allow. This was taken last night when there was a window of clear sky for a few hours. It is 8x30 minutes with a 5nm Ha filter, FSQ106ED and ML8300 on a Paramount ME. Auto guiding was via Lodestar and OAG using dithering. Only a combination of levels and curves were used in the processing, sky conditions weer fairly good apart from one break for clouds passing over head. I have tried this subject several times over the last few years with mixed success but have never got as far as doing all three channels, previous efforts can be seen in the image gallery on my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page

A full size version of this can be seen at the following link

NGC2264 - Cone and Fox fur nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster photo - Gordon Haynes photos at pbase.com

I will post further progress as it happens

Thanks for looking

Best wishes and clear skies



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