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Barlow for 250 Dob - old SW one OK?

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My SW 250 Dob comes without a barlow, without one I feel 'underpowered' as I had one with my SkayHawk 1145 so had 200X.

I am going to sell my old SkyHawk 1145 which came with standard SW x2 Barlow and which I am used to using for planets etc.

Should I sell the hawk without the barlow, keep it myself and accept a lower price.

OR Sell hawk with barlow to get the best price and then use funds to buy a better barlow or a 6/7mm EP? I have read that fast dobs need good quality barlows

I guess it comes down to how good the supplied barlow is as I have read that fast dobs need good quality barlows?

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  • 7 years later...

Hi! I have the same Sky-Watcher SkyHawk 1145p, with exactly the same eyepieces (EPs) and Barlow lens. Honestly, the 10 mm EP and the Barlow are of only "standard" quality (or less), so I would definitely sell the Barlow with the Hawk. Anyone who buys it will need it anyway. Take the chance to upgrade to a much better Barlow, and EPs for that matter. The 25 mm EP is rather nice though, for widefield observing.

On the other hand, why sell the Hawk in the first place? I still have it after two years, and I love it. I have an EQ5 PRO mount and plan to upgrade to a 6-8 inch Newtonian, but I think I will keep the SkyHawk OTA as a grab'n'go telescope, or for travels. The f/4.4 is almost unbeatable! I'm thinking of buying a wooden mini-dobsonian mount for my SkyHawk OTA. Just a thought...


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