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Should I upgrade my eq3?


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I have got a skywatcher 150pl and it seems to be not very stable for example when I'm looking at Jupiter and even touch the focuser it jitters about the place loads. Would a eq5 bit better suited for my scope or could I get a motorised kits for my eq3 would it make it steadier in anyway? I'm also wanting to start astrophotography so need to think of that too.

Thanks in advanced

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I used to have the same scope and mount combo as you, and I know exactly what you mean about the 150PL wobbling about a lot :) Of course spending lots of money on a posh upgrade will help, but you'll find that pretty much anytime you're zoomed in on a planet you'll notice a good amount of wobble whenever you touch the scope. Another idea for you to consider perhaps is a motor focuser e.g.

First Light Optics - SkyWatcher Auto Focuser

With one of those you can adjust the focus without knocking the scope all over the shop, just watch how much tension you put on the cable, as that will still transmit vibrations to the scope.

The 150PL is a great scope, it pained me to part with mine, what with it being my first ever "real" telescope. But it is a big fella for the eq3-2. That said, I cut my astrophotography teeth on it, and it did me proud. I'm not going to go into too much detail on this subject, as there are a zillion options, and pretty much all of them will introduce another expense! This hobby can really put a dent in your wallet, so I'd suggest having a good play with what you've got, and see what you enjoy. Like I said, there are so many different ways to approach things, you can end up spending money on things you very quickly realize aren't quite right for you... Trust me, I've got the t-shirt :D

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