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while skies are clear,tonight i would hope to see..(pls state ability and equipment.)


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I have an 8" Dob. I like to look at the easier targets. I love to set my 'scope up and just explore the sky; see what I can see.

In Spring I hope to look for some galaxies, just waiting for this horrendous wind to go away.

Ability wise, I'd say I'm between beginner and intermediate.

I am physically disabled which makes things difficult too.

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Sadly, I've not had much time to get the scope outside in the last week, but to be honest it's been a bit cloudy around me

Have seen quite alot of Jupiter and Venus as I have been out and about.

I have managed to repair and mod my scope tripod now(cheap Chinese plastics and slightly ham fisted English attitude cracked the leg adjuster screws. Repaired with super glue and a huge cable tie) and also I found time to remove the Chinese glue they call grease from my focuser and replaced with vasolene, I thought it would be kinder to my hands lol

Clear skies soon to all I hope;)

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on Wednesday night i caught Venus, i could clearly see the "dark side"(yes i know;) ).

next i moved to Jupiter, a nice view of the stripes and of course the moons.

onwards to the moon, at this point my neighbour came round for a look and was pretty blown away by the great view of craters.

we had a quick nose at the seven sisters(get me sounding all knowledgeable haha) and the Orion nebula before he left.

i then took a look at Mars which was just rising over the roof tops but it got lost behind the trees so i called it a night.....

well that was until Saturn rose over the rooftops later on, i have found that its not good viewing out the bathroom window tho, i guess i will have to make more effort later in the year, these late nights are not too good for early morning work starts lol

overall tho it was a pretty good few hours observing from my south leic back garden and my neighbour seemed pretty impressed to.

sadly tonight the skies have clouded over again so its a night of beer n tv.

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