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Celestron Skyscout vs. Astronomy app for iPhone / iPad


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Looking for views and opinions from the legendary SGL mind pool. I have a Skyscout and Star Walk for iPad. Debating whether to sell Skyscout (paid £200 for it versus £3 for star walk!), but not sure as the big plus it has over star walk is accuracy - with star walk I hold the iPad up to the sky and usually it can't make it's mind up which direction its facing! no such issues with Skyscout.

I'd welcome any thoughts or views based on experience...

Cheers folks

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Sky Safari is absolutely awesome, and gets better with every update. It's far more of a serious astronomer's tool than Star Walk. There are versions for all pockets, too, with varying numbers of stars in the catalogue.

I have an IPhone rather than an iPad, so can't really comment on iPad use, but a friend of mine was using Star Walk on the iPad and was having problems getting the compass to work. More likely to be an issue with the iPad settings than the app, I suspect.


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I agree with mikey, even if I turn the brightness right down the iPad screen still seems bright to me (in night mode) when my eyes are properly adjusted. If only the iPad had a night mode that affected the whole system, it is annoying when a notification pops up in full colour or I need to check a different app for something.

SkyScout is a great tool for learning the night sky, and the audio tour describes some interesting facts and folklore.

For me, I could delete Star Walk but I wouldn't want to sell my SkyScout.

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