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How much is too much!!

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Hi Folks

I have recently bought a SkyWatcher 200p Dob from the good people at FLO and Im loving it. I had been using a SkyWatcher 130p Supatrak for years which is also a lovely scope but this Dob is something else :)

Anyway after loosing the locking screws to collimate the primary mirror how much is too much when tightning the screws again.

I dont want to do it too tight and break something but I am afraid the mirror falls down etc if I dont do it tight enough.

Sorry for this un-inspiring question but any help from you experts will be appreciated.


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Hi Deacon - the collimation screws go through the frame then through a spring and then into the mirror mounting. So when you've collimated it the locking screws want to be snicked up to enough to keep the mounting set where you've positioned it with the collimating screw.

It literally pushes against the mounting point contrary to the collimating screw to hold it in position without coming loose. If you do it too tight you can risk cracking the mirror. Though the risk is small it still might bend the mirror and distort the figure the collimation or both (and of course the view).

As the temperature changes it may need re-collimating during a session :)

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